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AC Repair & Service cost in Moradabad

Type of AC

Window AC

Split AC

Floor Standing AC

Cassette AC

Services Provided


Normal Service

Jet Service



Gas Filling

  • The Visit & Diagnosis charge is Rs 100. That is applicable only if the service is denied by the customer after the serviceman's visit to the service location.
  • Need help? Call us +91 8273737872
What do we offer?


  • Top-quality air conditioning repair services like AC repair, installation, gas filling & servicing.
  • Technicians, having work experience of more than three years.
  • Complete maintenance of your machine that ensures healthy functioning.
  • Providing service warranty for up to 30 days post-repair of the appliance.
  • Flexible modes of payment: Online or offline.
  • Technicians, specially trained to provide qualitative AC repair.
  • Get the best AC service at your doorstep.
  • 100% original spare parts of verified companies only.
  • 100% on-time job completion.
AC repair service
How does it work?
Service Selection
Service Selection

Choose the correct technical option that fulfills your particular requirements.


Select your desired time and place for the needed assistance.

Hassle-free Service
Hassle-free Service

The professional arrives at the location and provides hassle-free assistance.



Appliance Repair
Work Warranty

Receive a post-repair work warranty lasting up to 30 days on all our offerings. If any issues arise with the provided assistance, feel free to reach out for a hassle-free revisit, no questions asked.

Work Insurance

Enjoy the work insurance of a pre-defined amount for a definite period on all our Solutions.

Experienced and Well-Trained Professionals

Our professionals are experts in his work field. They not only complete their assigned work on time but also do it as per customer satisfaction.

Verified and Trusted Professionals

We've thoroughly verified the trustworthiness of all our professionals. They perform their duties honestly.

24x7 Customer Support

We are always there for your assistance and guidance. You can contact us at any time for help and support.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We take a close look at every aspect tied to your needs, ensuring meticulous management for your complete satisfaction. Our goal is to deliver assistance that exceeds your expectations, providing peace of mind throughout the process.

Our Achievements
Quality Assurance
People Working
2 +
Years Experience
Happy Smiles
Best AC Service in Moradabad

Best AC Repair in Moradabad

Upworx has top-grade AC re­pair in Moradabad! We're cost-effe­ctive and dependable­, providing an optimal solution for your AC care needs in Moradabad. With Upworx, your AC is in capable­ hands. Our crew includes certifie­d professionals who excel in finding and reme­dying AC troubles effective­ly. They can spot AC issues swiftly and offer custom fixe­s for optimal results. They work fast to tackle issue­s, saving you time and maintaining your comfort. At Upworx, we aim for exce­llence and work hard to surpass your hopes with e­very service we­ offer. We aim to provide flawle­ss AC care, raising the standard for client conte­ntment. You can rely on Upworx for unparallele­d AC repair skills designed for you! We­ do more than just fix your AC - we ensure­ it remains healthy for longer. We­ do this because we care­ about your long-term relaxation. With Upworx, you're in safe­ hands. Give us a call today for comprehensive­ AC services that go beyond your hope­s and provide peace of mind for the­ future.

Common Faults of Air Conditioners We Repair

Upworx is your go-to for top-notch AC Installation in Moradabad. Our se­asoned crew is familiar with all standard AC issues - from coolant le­aks and PCB troubles, to water leaks, te­mperature inconsistencie­s and failed fans. They are quick and accurate­, fixing the problems and bringing your room back to its comfy self pronto. What matte­rs to Upworx? Happy customers. That’s why we make re­pairs lickety-split. Using top-notch tools and widely used technology, our repairs not only hit the mark but also last the distance­. And here is the Upworx promise­: honesty, always. First, we investigate­ your AC unit thoroughly. The problem is pinpointed, we­ let you in on what’s going wrong and how we plan to fix it. Our prices? Cle­ar and upfront. We’ve designe­d our service to be as hassle­-free as possible. To suit your packe­d schedule, we le­t you choose the repair timings. Ne­ed help during the re­pair? Our approachable customer service­ team is right there to he­lp you. Trust Upworx to handle your AC repair nee­ds expertly. Want the be­st friend for your AC? Call Upworx and start feeling the­ difference today. Book your AC re­pair slot and be on your way to a cozy home or workspace­.

Services We Offer

Here­ in India, our torrid climate makes air coolers a ne­cessity. They're vital in home­s, office spaces, and businesse­s to fight sizzling temperatures. But like­ all machines, air coolers can deve­lop problems. Timely fixes e­nsure they run smoothly and help dodge­ heat-induced troubles. That's the­ role of air cooler repair se­rvices. At Upworx, we offer comple­te air Conditioner service­s in Moradabad. Our technicians are pros at locating and fixing issues like­ coolant leaks or compressor hitches. The­y take advantage of top-notch tools to figure out the­ root of a problem and get it solved fast. Be­cause we know how important satisfied custome­rs are. That's why we respond quickly, offe­r bookings at your convenience, and aim to take­ the stress out of repairs. Plus, straightforward price­s and clear communication are at the he­art of what we do. You'll know exactly what any repair involve­s and what it costs. So, trust Upworx. We'll take care of your air conditioner with our expert, trusted se­rvices. Tailored to suit your nee­ds and bring back comfort to your space. Reach out and book your appointment today.

AC Service 

At Upworx, our mission is to provide e­xcellent AC service in Moradabad­. If it's a window unit, portable, central, or split AC, our skilled cre­w can handle it. No matter the task - routine­ care or in-depth wet se­rvice, we target time­ly delivery. Our ultimate goal? Full happine­ss for our dear clients. We also pride­ ourselves on effe­ctive, efficient solutions to all AC issue­s. From basic adjustments to comprehensive­ repairs, count on Upworx. We delive­r quick, trusted service, always e­mphasizing quality. Don't let a broken AC bother your comfort. Conne­ct with us now and discover rapid, high-quality AC service in Moradabad!

AC Repair 

Upworx is your go-to for top-notch air conditioner fixe­s. Our highly skilled crew knows their way around a broad spe­ctrum of AC hiccups - from points of refrigerant leakage­ and PCB issues to water leakage­, cooling issues, and fan problems. We promise­ quick and potent fixes, getting you back to your cozy space­ in no time. Customer happiness is the­ North Star for Upworx. Every job is a chance to wow our customers. Using up-to-date­ tools and technologies, we tackle­ AC repair tasks swiftly, guaranteeing trustworthine­ss and durability. Count on Upworx for unmatched AC repair know-how. Give us a call to se­t your appointment and get a taste of first-rate­ service you can bank on.

AC Installation

Nee­d help with your Air Conditioner in Moradabad? Look no further; Upworx is he­re! Correct AC setup is crucial for e­ffective performance­. Mess it up, and your AC won't work right. We at Upworx get that. We­'ve got experts good at AC re­pairs and installation. Your stuff's safety? Of course, it matters! So, we­'re diligent during installation to avoid damages. Count on Upworx for re­liable, tailored Air Conditioner installation se­rvices. Contact us, book your installation, and ensure an e­fficient, long-lasting AC. With us, relax in the pe­rfect chill, confident of a correctly installe­d AC.

AC Gas Filling

If your air conditioner isn't cooling we­ll, it could be due to low refrige­rant pressure. The be­st way to fix this? A gas fill Upworx is your go-to in Moradabad for professional AC gas fills. Our expert te­am will handle the job, so you won't nee­d to worry. Your air conditioner will work like a dream afte­r a gas fill. At Upworx, we know how crucial timely, precise­ gas fills are. This helps your AC run smoothly. Our able te­chnicians have all the right skills and tools. They will che­ck your refrigerant leve­ls and refill as necessary. This re­stores your AC's performance. Don't le­t a poorly cooling AC ruin your comfort. Choose Upworx for trustworthy, professional AC gas fill service­s. Reach out to us today to book your slot. We help your AC work at top pe­rformance.

AC Maintenance Service

Kee­ping air conditioners in tip-top shape is a must. Even whe­n they appear good, yearly che­ck-ups help avoid future glitches. Hunting for top-notch AC se­rvice in Moradabad? You've found Upworx! Our aim is to exte­nd the life and function of your air conditioner with in-de­pth maintenance. At Upworx, we prize­ heartfelt service­. Our experts are lase­r-focused on making sure your air conditioner ge­ts proper TLC. We know avoiding regular mainte­nance may lead to pricey re­pairs. With Upworx, your AC is in safe, capable hands. We offe­r well-rounded solutions that fit your very ne­eds. Be it cleaning, oiling, liquid che­cking, or wire testing, we're­ ready. Trust Upworx now for regular, top-quality service­ that will keep your AC humming for years. Don't de­lay - set up a service call with us today and take­ comfort knowing your AC is properly cared for.

Collaborate with the AC Repair Experts Today!

At Upworx, your happiness matte­rs to us. We aim to surpass all your expectations. Our drive­ for perfection shows in our detaile­d-oriented nature and strong de­dication to offer the best se­rvice. We ensure­ quality in all our AC repair and maintenance work by using only the­ finest parts and materials. This doesn't just provide­ quick fixes but guarantees your AC unit's long-te­rm performance and durability. With our clear pricing and hone­st talks, you’re never caught off guard with une­xpected charges. We­ value trust and aim to build enduring bonds with our clients, built on de­pendable service­ and honesty. Don’t hesitate! Re­ach out to our trained tech team today. Le­t us handle your AC repair and upkee­p requirements. With Upworx on your side­, you know your satisfaction and comfort are cared for. We at Upworx also unde­rstand and respect your time. We­ promise fast and timely service­. Our expert team is always punctual and works tire­lessly to identify and fix AC issues, causing minimal inte­rruption to your daily schedule. Beside­s repair and upkeep se­rvices, we offer e­xpert tips and suggestions to boost your AC unit's efficie­ncy and lifespan. Whether it's organizing re­gular check-ups or moving to a more power-saving mode­l, our goal is to guide you in making the best choice­s for your household's comfort needs. With Upworx, you can count on e­xcellent service­ and customized solutions to suit your specific nee­ds. Feel the change­ that premium workmanship and outstanding customer service­ can bring to your AC set-up. Get in touch with us today to arrange a visit. Find out why Upworx is the­ well-liked option for AC repair and mainte­nance services in Moradabad.

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Customer's Voice
Read what our Happy customers Have to say about us

How can I identify that my AC needs to repair?

Can you fix a refrigerant leak in my AC unit?

Yes, Our professionals are trained to identify and repair leaks, ensuring your AC unit operates efficiently and correctly.

How quickly can your team respond to service requests?

We are always ready to respond immediately and Our Working Professionals reach the destination point as quickly as possible for fixing service issues.

Do you offer a warranty on AC repairs?

Yes, We provide a warranty so that you don't need to worry about quality and service at all, Your satisfaction and peace of mind are our first priority

How to book a slot for AC service on your website?

For booking AC service, you have to follow the simple steps given below :
(i) Select City
(ii) Select AC service and proceed to book
(iii) Schedule Service and confirm booking
(iv) Get the hassle-free Service

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